As a Digital Farm Club member you'll get...

If you are a current Farm Club Subscription Meat Box Member, you get the Digital Farm Club membership included in your subscription! 

Who is this for?

  • Anyone who wants to support our farm by learning more about what we do through behind-the-scenes content and more in-depth information. No meat purchases are required.
  • Anyone who’s interested in supporting and learning about regenerative agriculture practices related to livestock
  • Aspiring or beginning farmers or homesteaders who want to see and learn more about what’s happening on our regenerative goat and sheep farm (no farming experience needed)

How is this different from what you're doing on social media?

While our farm is on social media, I’ve consciously decided to create a special space to serve our closest supporters. While social media can have a lot of great benefits, we recognize not everyone uses it regularly. We also know there’s a growing trend of folks who are looking to be more intentional with their time and not use social as much. 

Additionally, when we create content on social, we never are guaranteed you actually see it due to the algorithms, the social media platform owns/controls how it's used (it's not actually ours), and it's not really the best place for longer form, quality content. It's a quick-consumption environment.

In our own private space, we aren't competing with the extra noise, our information and resources will be easier to access and return to, and we can freely share content with you in a safe space. Believe it or not, social media platforms aren't always the friendliest spaces for farms.

I hope you enjoy this new content designed just for you. I'm excited to be able to share in more depth in a more intimate setting with our closest supporters and partners like you about our farm.

Digital Membership Options

Monthly Membership

$10/month, billed monthly

Choose a monthly subscription at $10/monthly.

Join Monthly

Annual Membership

$96/annual ($8/month), billed annually

Choose an annual subscription and save! $96 for an annual membership, which comes out to $8/month.

Join Annually

Memberships can be canceled at anytime. However, annual memberships are not refundable during the duration of the period the annual membership was purchased.

Full Farm Club Digital Terms (PDF) can be viewed here.

What's happening in Digital Farm Club right now?

  • April: How we have been preparing for kidding and lambing, and sheep shearing
  • Coming this month: A kidding barn tour!

How to access Digital Farm Club

  • Once you enroll, you’ll get a unique link to set up your account. If you're a meat box subscription club member, look back in your emails for your invite link. Or, send us an email at to get your link sent to you gain.
  • Each month you’ll get an email from us letting you know when there’s new content
  • You can also download the Circle Communities App to access the content right on your mobile device

First-time Access: Login through the custom link in your confirmation email.

Future Access: Login the Lin below.

[Farm Club Meat Box Subscribers] First time access + account set up instructions

  • The video below will walk you through how to access your Digital Farm Club content for the first time.
  • You'll access your unique link in the email invite that was sent to you.
  • If you have questions, please contact us at

Digital Farm Club FAQ

No, it is not. This membership is JUST for the digital content. However, if you’re a Farm Club meat box subscription member, you get this digital membership complimentary.

You can sign up for the waitlist for the meat subscription box here.

No you don't! This is a this digital content is an extra bonus you get on top of your membership

Yes! This is part of the reason we’ve created this Digital Membership. We wanted our community to have a way to support us and stay connected with us without needing to purchase our meat.

No not at all. It’s intended for anyone who’s simply interested in learning more about our goat farm and regenerative agriculture.

However, if you’re living on the land or raising livestock, you’re more than welcome to join as well. Our behind-the-scenes content will likely give you more insight into how our farm works. 

Yes and no. We will still be on social media, regularly sharing about our farm. However, we won’t be always sharing as frequently or as in-depth on topics. 

By joining as a founding member you’re able to secure the membership rate you enrolled at during this period as long as you’re membership is in good standing and is continuous. 

In the future, if digital memberships increase, your rate will stay the same.

It will happen automatically whether you’re on the monthly membership or the annual membership. You can cancel at any time. Annual memberships are not refundable

Farm Club Meat Box Subscription Program

If you want to manage your physical Farm Club subscription meat box, just click here to log in to your account to manage your subscription.